• Ring Finger Spotlight

From the series 'Love, Optimized'

In the wilderness of polite society, ring finger status is too often shrouded by circumstance. Poor lighting, strong drinks and heedless flirts cast shadows on the foundation of your commitment. Away from your partner, how can you draw undeniable attention to your symbol of devotion?

↑ Now pronouncing you the center of attention.

The Ring Finger Spotlight is a micro-drone with a mission: to illuminate and document the ring on your finger at all times—or, as circumstance will dictate, its absence. The device is a satellite accessory, hovering over your hand while you complete scheduled activities. Its everlasting ray of light bestows cinematic brilliance upon your finger, while adapting to the many lighting scenarios of your eclectic life.

The Spotlight’s on-board video camera keeps constant watch. While a ring is docked on your finger, family and friends can tune in to the live stream and admire an enduring close-up. Snapshots are shared to social media as desired. If the ring makes a departure, all parties with access to the live stream can remain on alert.

Commitment Mode
Showcase your loyalty with this tried and true—and magnificent—beam of light on your wedding or engagement ring.

Flaunt Mode
Maximize admiration at times of recent matrimony or engagement. The Spotlight twirls around your ring using twelve dramatic flyover techniques. It captures unforgettable video footage, including reaction shots from onlookers.

Threat Mode
Speak loud and clear with a steady flash of warning lights upon your ring: in case curious eyes are wondering, you’re taken.

Single Mode
Broadcast your availability when seeking that special someone. The Spotlight traces sensuous curves along the ring finger, helping singles spot each other even prior to handshake.

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